Claude 3 or Chat GPT: Which is Better?

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AI-Powered Creativity

Instant, polished presentations powered by AI. Impress your audience effortlessly with Gamma. Engage users on any device. Measure engagement, get quick reactions, and collaborate seamlessly.

AI Tools of the Week

ApyHub - ApyHub AI enabled APIs help software developers and development teams to leverage the power of machine learning and AI to revolutionize their applications. ApyHub AI APIs enable intelligent decision-making, predictive analytics, natural language understanding, and more to drive your business forward.

  • For what: Summarize text and documents for learning applications.

  • Use-case: Extract keywords from any text.

Artimator - With Artimator you can create unique images based on text descriptions using various versions of artificial intelligence and in different styles such as anime, steampunk, cyberpunk, fantasy, and many others.

  • For what: Generate an illustration for your blog, book or article.

  • Use-case: Delete unwanted people or objects in a shot.

KNO by Alltius - Store, share, and access vital information, with powerful search capabilities and an intuitive dashboard to track shared content.

  • For what: Quickly store, share, and access vital information in one place.

  • Use-case: Powerful search capabilities to quickly locate important data.

AI-powered YouTube Idea Generator - Generate tailored ideas, filter by category and topic, and save favorites for later use.

  • For what: Generate new ideas tailored to specific needs and interests.

  • Use-case: Filter ideas by category and topic.

Ango Hub - Build, deploy, and scale AI apps, access secure cloud storage, manage models, and gain customer insights with powerful analytics.

  • For what: Quickly build, deploy, and scale AI applications with an easy-to-use graphical interface.

  • Use-case: Access secure data storage and manage AI models in the cloud.

Valuer - Adjust pricing, create data-driven models, and track progress with analytics tools.

  • For what: Quickly adjust pricing strategies to changing market conditions.

  • Use-case: Create data-driven pricing models to maximize profits.

Thinking Toolbox - Assess thinking skills, practice critical thinking, and access curated resources to improve cognitive abilities.

  • For what: Identify thinking skill gaps with individualized assessments.

  • Use-case: Practice critical thinking with interactive activities.

Faradai Sustain - Monitor energy usage, identify savings opportunities, get tailored recommendations for reducing environmental footprint.

  • For what: Monitor and track energy usage and carbon emissions with Faradai Sustain.

  • Use-case: Easily identify opportunities for energy savings and cost reduction.

AI News of the Week

  1. Apple’s MM1 AI Model Shows a Sleeping Giant Is Waking Up - Go To Article

  2. Here’s Proof You Can Train an AI Model Without Slurping Copyrighted Content - Go To Article

  3. The Quiet-STaR Effect: AI with Strategic Thinking - Go To Article

  4. DeepMind Is Helping Soccer Teams Take the Perfect Corner - Go To Article

  5. Kids’ Cartoons Get a Free Pass From YouTube’s Deepfake Disclosure Rules - Go To Article

  6. Reddit’s Sale of User Data for AI Training Draws FTC Investigation - Go To Article

  7. The NSA Warns That US Adversaries Free to Mine Private Data May Have an AI Edge - Go To Article

  8. What Happens When a Guy and His AI Girlfriend Go to Therapy - Go To Article